
When we woke up this morning it looked like Christmas outside. There was snow everywhere! I'm not a fan of snow in October, but it does look really pretty.

During Sacrament Meeting, Emi was playing with some little girls in our ward and they were letting her hold their crayons. At one point, she took off with their crayon box and proceeded to turn the crayon box over, and all the crayons fell on the floor with a big thud. haha. Marty and I rushed over trying to collect all of the crayons off the cultural hall floor. Writing now it's funny but in the moment I was so embarrassed!!!

After church, Bowen and Marlow came home with us. Marty took them downstairs to play while Emi and I made lunch. I could hear lots of giggling and Marty being so cute with them. That's something I love about him--he is so fun and engaging with kids!

In the afternoon Marty, Emi, and I took a very long nap and then called my parents. They are in Greece but will be heading to Rome this coming week to work in the temple. 

In the evening we had games with Peter and Alex. I think we may be well on our way to being in the Guinness Book of World Records for playing Dominion the most amount of times...and I'm okay with it :)


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