Halloween spudnuts

Still not feeling great today but it's Halloween so that's something to be excited about! 

And I think we have a new tradition which is another thing to be excited about. Someone in our ward makes spudnuts in her backyard every Halloween and invites people over to come eat them. We went and they were soooo yummy. 

Our little Dallas Cowboy cheerleader :) The boots for her costume didn't come in time, but I went to the mall to get our jersey/shirt and came across these cute boots in a boutique. They had one pair left in her size. It was meant to be!

We asked our neighbor to take a picture and they suggested taking it next to their skeleton. haha. So here we are on our neighbor's porch!

Homemade rootbeer.

Jack-o-lantern pizza. It's a bit tricky to see but the face is there. haha.


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