Christmas 2023

Christmas morning was relaxing. After Emi woke up, Marty, Emi, and I watched "The Grinch" (old version of course!) and talked with my parents over FaceTime. Then Marge arrived while Grandma and Grandpa cooked up a delicious waffle breakfast for all of us to enjoy. 

After breakfast began the present opening. Emi got the cutest chef outfit (to go with her kitchen) and another year of My Gym classes from grandma and grandpa. Marty got new golf clubs, luggage, and a coupon to go choose out a golf bag and driver with his Dad. I got a new curling iron (I'm going to finally learn how to curl my hair haha), Wicked tickets, and beautiful tablecloths. 

It's so exciting watching everyone open their presents and seeing their reactions. While everyone was excited about their presents Emi enjoyed playing with the gift bags some of the presents were wrapped in. haha. 

The rest of the day was chill. We ate lots of food--charcuterie style--and spent time together. In the evening we watched Gran Turismo. It was really good! 


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