Christmas Chocolates

Because Mom and Dad were going to be out of the country this year, I knew that there wouldn't be any homemade Christmas chocolates. I've always wanted to learn the ins and outs of chocolate making because it's one of my favorite Christmas traditions, but have never put in the work to learn how. So I reached out to Grandma Furner and she agreed to host us (all the Rosen siblings minus Dave--but plus some spouses) and teach us how to make chocolates. 

Today was the chocolate making day! Grandma had done a ton of prep work beforehand, and I now understand why. Chocolate making is no joke. It takes a lot of time and many things have to be done "just right" to have them turn out well. We had a blast...and I think we all left with a bit more respect for my mom and the time she puts into making these each year. 

Making chocolates.

Grandma in her element.

We learned that Bubs has a hidden talent--chocolate dipping. Her chocolates looked amazing.

Rachie loved her chocolate.

The crew.

We had sooo many chocolates when we finished. A box for my Mom & Dad, a plate for each of mom's brothers and a plate for Grandma, tins for each of us and Dave & Steph, and several more plates to share.  


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