Go Karting at The Grid

Grandpa played with Emi this morning. I watched as Grandpa let Emi dump crayons out of a bin over and over again and then he'd put them back in the bin for her. It was cute and reminded me that it's okay to let her dump things.haha.

Emi loves hanging in Grandpa's office.

In the afternoon Emi and I went and visited with Peter, Alex, Jackie, and the kiddos at my parent's house. Isaac was in such a funny mood! And Rachel was sweet as ever.

After we were done visiting we came back to the Shaeffer's just in time to go to The Grid. I have never been go karting before and was a bit scared (what else is new? haha) but didn't want to be lame. So I tried it and had such a good time! Angela and I had planned on each doing a race, and taking turns watching Emi on the other race, but because she was still feeling under the weather she opted to let me do both races. I was really excited to do both races because it was so so fun. On the second race I had an unfortunate mishap with my head sock but still had a good time. I for sure want to go back. 

Emi wearing a head sock may be one of the cutest things I've ever seen. haha. Look how happy she is!

The two racers got first and second both races. Go Nick and Dan!

In the evening we had Tandoor, Nielsens, and did some more NY Times Crosswords. 

Some other pictures from today:


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