New Year's Eve

To celebrate New Year's Eve we had a few friends over and ate good food, played LRC, and let our kiddos play. 

This is the only picture I have of our celebration. This was pre-food on the serving table. I was able to use both of my new tablecloths from Christmas--one in the kitchen and one in the dining room.

2023 has been a good year for our family.

We went on lots of fun trips. Deer Valley and Hawaii with Shaeffers (Marty bleached his hair for Hawaii), Pagosa (with Adairs, Kents, and Shaeffers), Emi and I visited family in PA and MN, and we went as a family to Japan and saw lots of people and places we love.

We attended 3 of our siblings' graduations--Nick (Olympus), Bubs (BYU), and Courtney (Columbia).

We bought a home together. And had lots of visitors! Dan and Angela, Nick, Bubs, and Dave & Steph's family.

Marty and I went on lots of fun dates and both grew spiritually.

Marty started a new role at work--Hedge Accounting.

I prioritized my mental health. I ran my first marathon and started therapy again.

Emi turned 1.

We spent Thanksgiving in New York and Christmas in Utah with the Shaeffers.

Here's to 2024!


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