All about Emi

I just wanted to write down some of the cute things Emi's done recently.

-She has started using "more" when she wants us to do something again. Up until this point, she's only signed "more" with food, but now she does it with anything she wants to do again.

-Yesterday, throughout the day, Emi kept putting just her head and feet on the floor (she was in a piked position) for no apparent reason. Marty and I tried teaching her how to somersault because she was already halfway there, but she didn't quite get it. haha. Instead she just would roll to the side. It was so cute!

-She's learned how to scribble. 

-She loves any sort of accessory. Her favorite is to bring you an accessory, have you put it on, and then she'll take it off.

-She can identify family members really well. If you ask her to point out a family member, she knows who's who.

-She loves playing with Dad when he gets home from work. Emi and Dad have a game where Dad is on one side of the door and puts his fingers under the door, and Emi's on the other and she'll do the same. She thinks it's hilarious..and so do we.

-She's learned how to put things away. She's really good at helping.

-If you ask Emi if she wants to brush her teeth, she'll go straight to the bathroom. But SHE wants to do it, and gets protective of her toothbrush if you try to brush her teeth.

Her Words:

  • Emi
  • Dada/Daddy
  • Mama/Mom
  • Uh Oh
  • Boo
  • "Aa aa" for Monkey
  • Quack for Duck
  • Yummy
  • More
  • No
  • Ya
  • Cheese
  • Pizza
  • Jesus
  • Hello
  • Kershaw
  • She'll sometimes (sometimes not) say "papa" and "grandma"
  • Cracker
  • Poopy
  • Bubbles
  • This
  • Please
  • Thank You
We sure love our Emi Rose!


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