Team Training

One of my friends, Summer, and I go to the gym Monday-Friday together. It's been fun to have a gym friend to keep each other accountable and also chat in classes. We've been going to these "Team Training" our gym offers. The class is structured with 30 minutes interval running/walking, and 30 minutes of weights and strength exercises. I've never been great at doing strength exercises, but over the past few weeks I've noticed how important they are (you were right, Marty!). I've always loved cardio, but now I'm liking strength too.

After class today, we had Summer and her kids (Ronny and Jules) over for an impromptu play date. I love when Emi gets to "play" with other kids. At this point she mostly does her own thing around other kids, but I think it's valuable for her to have modeled how to share and interact with other littles and start developing those skills as well.
"Uh oh." Googly eyes and pom poms. I love having little ones in our home!


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