A Lollipop and Mango Lassi

This morning I had Stake Women's Conference, so Marty and Emi had daddy-daughter bonding time. They went to My Gym and the park together:)

In the afternoon we had a superhero themed birthday party for Emi's friend, Ruby. It was so cute. Of course Emi cried during "Happy Birthday" again, but other than that she had a good time. My favorite part of the  party was when one of the other kids, 4 year old Riley, yelled out to her mom "Hey mom, look I'm sharing!" And there she was with her arm extended with a lollipop in it, and the lollipop was in Emi's mouth. We were dying. haha.

In the evening we went out to Indo Curry, and Emi was hamming it up with our waiter. She even fake coughed at one point to get his attention. haha. The waiter ended up bringing her out her own special mango lassi (because of course Marty and I ordered one for ourselves but not for her haha). It was so cute!


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