Emi's Adventures

While we were in France, Emi was living her best life with Grandma and Grandpa (and her aunt Jackie and aunt Bubs).

This is what my Dad wrote about Emi in our family newsletter:

This week we have had a little house guest who is very much in control of things around the here. She has been a happy little elf that seduces everyone that comes by with her big smile, friendly laugh, and cheery disposition. Not only that, but she sleeps about 12-13 hours every night and takes a one-hour nap in the early afternoon. She loves to go places such as to church, to the mall, to the swimming pool, the library for story time, and on walks with grandma and Winston. Winston and Emi seem to get along great together. She even either likes or pretends to like grandpa playing Old McDonald on the piano. Grandma and I have been reminded that our house isn’t a kid house right now in that we don’t have locks on any of the cupboards and little Miss Emi greatly enjoys getting in every cupboard. She does like to go around the house and look at all the photos and say “Mamma” when she recognizes Lizzie’s smiling face and Dada when she recognizes Marty. We did learn that FaceTiming with her parents in France wasn’t the best idea but after a couple hours, she was back to her happy self. Update: Emi had a rough patch this evening and was a grumpy pants for an hour or so, but a large bag of jellybeans seemed to get her back to her happy self.

We are so grateful to my parents, my sisters, and my grandma for taking such good care of our Emi bug.


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