Last day in Paris

We scheduled a tour for St. Chapelle, Conciergerie, and the outside of the Notre Dame for this morning. I mostly just wanted to see St. Chapelle, but because we've been so busy seeing other things, when I went to get tickets on their website they were sold out. Luckily I found a tour through "Get Your Guide" that we could do that would take us through the chapel this morning.

Marty and I arrived for our tour this morning and started making our way to St. Chapelle as a tour group when we found out that the employees of St. Chapelle were on strike so nobody would be seeing St. Chapelle for the day. It was a bummer, but strikes are very common in Paris. Really we just lucked out getting to experience an important part of their culture ;)

With our tour canceled, we made our way to Sacre Coeur and Montmartre. The basilica reminded me a lot of the pretty churches in Jerusalem. The one thing Marty and I found odd was that there were signs all over inside the chapel asking guests to "be quiet" and "not take pictures" but it seemed most everyone was doing the exact opposite.

Afterwards we headed to the Louvre. I didn't get tickets to the Louvre ahead of time, and when we went to get them right beforehand the ticket website was down. The wait was a bit long (an hour ish?) and we were hungry. But we waited it out and I think it was worth it. We planned to do the Rick Steve's 1 hour tour, and so Marty and I both put in our AirPods and worked our way through the museum. The tour was sometimes didn't give you enough time to go between pieces of art, but other than that it was good. 

I really liked the Mona Lisa. I've heard before that it's so small, so I was picturing a 5" x 7" piece of art...I was pleasantly surprised to find it was larger!

Afterward, around 3 pm, we made our way to Angelina's and got their famous hot chocolate as well as some breakfasty foods. The hot chocolate reminded me of my mom's hot fudge sauce. It was good and very sugary. Marty and I both agreed that it'd be best to come for breakfast! 

We made our way back to our hotel walking on Champs Elysees. There's all the designer stores and so many people walking around.

Pretty soon it was time for dinner. We just went to a place nearby. Marty convinced me to get a mock tail with him and we enjoyed our last dinner in Paris.
We ordered a charcuterie board, and it didn't quite look like the ones that you see on Pinterest. haha.

After dinner we headed to the Eiffel Tower for our final night in Paris. It was sooo windy and chilly. I felt like we were going to be blown off the top of the tower. But it was also really fun! And I'm so glad we got to summit. 

We have loved our time here getting to eat so much yummy food and learn about France's rich history.


  1. I love hearing all about your trip and seeing pictures! That bare bones charcuterie board cracked me up!


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