Bubbles and Miss Rachel

Ever since we got Emi her outside Little Tykes car, she has been found walking around the house saying "car" at all times of day. She'll also grab her shoes and bring them to you to let you know she's ready to go outside and play in her car.

This morning was no different. Even though it was raining, I caved and we went and played with her car. She was laughing her head off pushing it down our driveway. She was making me laugh! Because our driveway is angled downward, even though she's "pushing" the car, it's really pulling her too which she thinks is soo fun. 

After we got done playing with her car, we headed to library story time. It was there that I realized Emi had sat in her wet, rainy car and her bum was soaked...sorry, Emi! At story time, Emi went to the front and center (she is a social bug!) and repeatedly said "bubbles" to the lady leading the story time.haha. Finally, the lady said "We'll do bubbles later" but Emi's persistence cracked me up. At the end of story time, Emi got to play with the bubbles and she was very happy. 

We left story time and stopped quickly at home to grab Emi new pants before going to the gym. When I came to pick her up after my workout class she was crying, and couldn't settle down. We went home, and I tried feeding her lunch, but she was hysterical...so out of character for her! 

She also woke up mid-nap and was just sad, weepy, and screamy for a large portion of the day. Marty and I are pretty sure it's teething--we looked and she has 3 teeth coming in right now. Poor girl!

The one point in the day where she was actually okay was when I turned on Miss Rachel (thanks Katye for reminding me about her videos). I literally timed how long Emi was entertained by one of her videos...50 minutes. Can you believe that?! It seriously baffles me that she'll just sit and watch, mesmerized. I'm glad that she was entertained, though, because we both needed a break!


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