Emi Rose

Emi and I are back on our usual Monday routine! I go to my workout class in the morning while Emi goes to the kids care, and then we hurry home, get ready for the day and head to My Gym. 

Emi's becoming quite the monkey! She can hang on the monkey bars for 5-10 seconds at a time now. And she loves walking on anything that resembles a balance beam. She also loves going down slides over and over! It's so fun to watch her grow and learn new things.

Her vocabulary has also been exploding. It seems she's picking up at least one new word a day. Some new words she now says are battery (bably), socks, shoes, and bye (she used to just wave for bye, but now she says it).  It's amazing! She also said Bluey this morning. I'll spare you her pronunciation on that one. haha.

Emi also loves bubbles and her new car. That's all she wants to do. Which seems nice in theory, but it's an involved process for mom and dad. She wants you to push her for a few seconds, let her get out and walk around for another few seconds and repeat. 

Marty and I love our Emi. 


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