General Conference Weekend

Growing up, my mom always made cinnamon rolls for General Conference Weekend. I've been too intimidated by the recipe to make them up to this point, but finally decided this was the year. They were time consuming, and didn't rise as much as they should've, but they were delicious. After a phone call with my mom, I'm ready to try them again!

In between conference sessions we spent time at the park. It was windy this weekend!

My favorite talk was Elder Uchtdorf's about finding "A Higher Joy." I always love talks that have stories in them, and Elder Uchtdorf's a master story teller. I also loved his message of hope and that God can bring more joy into our lives if we let him.

On Sunday evening we had the Bob and Kathleen D. family over for dinner. It was fun getting to know their family better and having an excuse to make a nicer meal.

We also did our usual game night with Peter and Alex. It's crazy they're having a baby in just over a month! 


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