Hodge Podge

After workout class this morning, Emi and I had Bowen and Brye B. over for a playdate. Bowen is almost 3 and Brye is 6 months old. It feels like just yesterday that we were watching Bowen when Kimber was in the hospital having Brye! Even though he's 6 months, he still feels little to me:)

During our playdate, Emi and Bowen enjoyed having 2 lunches each (they're both good eaters) and I enjoyed getting baby snuggles in.

Right after they left, I quickly put Emi down for a nap and then the Stake RS President came over. We have ward conference coming up, and as part of that she's supposed to meet with me. She's brand new and really nice so it was chill. 

In the afternoon we ran some errands, and pretty soon Marty was home. 

2 Chefs

In the evening I went to our YWs activity--a nerf gun war! And then we met as YWs leaders afterwards. By the time I got home, I was ready for bed!


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