
Last afternoon/evening I started feeling a bit funky and woke up with some stomach bowel issues this morning. I'm thinking eating 20 pieces of pie 2 days ago was not the move. haha. 

Even though I didn't feel the best, I tried to keep our day busy to make it go by a little faster. 

Here are some highlights:

In the morning, Emi and I went to My Gym. They had bubbles today, and Emi was entertained for about 2 minutes, before she decided that playing near the balance beam would be more fun than looking at bubbles. It was cracking me up that every single child was by the bubbles and Emi was like "meh." (Even though she says "bubbles" all the time.)

After My Gym we came home and hung out for a bit, and then Emi and I both took a 2 hour nap! I woke up in the middle of my nap, frantic, thinking I had fallen asleep without knowing and that Emi was just wandering through the house. Luckily, that was not the case and she was sound asleep.

In the afternoon I FaceTimed my mom. While we were talking, I looked over and Emi had put on both her apron and chef's hat all by herself!

Speaking of "all by herself," Emi insisted on carrying 3 books downstairs all by herself. It took her awhile to figure it out, but she did it (she ended up letting one book tumble down the stairs)! She is a very persistent girl.

While I was making dinner, I looked over and Emi'd climbed into her high chair, and put the high chair tray on top of her. I was shocked! She was able to repeat getting into her high chair again, and then when I went to video her on her third try she fell. Ooops!

It feels like every day Emi is learning something new. She is Miss Independent and has such a fun, bubbly personality. 

Being a mom is the most incredible gift.


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