Quack Quack

 The view from my window is so pretty with all the blossoms on the trees.! It's the best view to wake up (after pushing back our black out curtains. Because you know Marty has to have everything pitch black when he sleeps;)).

After our morning gym routine, we went to the park with Summer and Jules while Ronny was at preschool. Emi LOVED the duck. Saying "quack quack" is one of her favorite things.

I woke Emi up from her nap to go to my family history lesson with Bob L., Deanna B., and Kate D.. I never thought I'd be waking my baby up to go do family history! But it was totally worth it and I loved getting to catch up with everyone and find a new ancestor and merge another. 

In the evening we went to the mall and I got some new shoes (Berks and Sorels)! While I was shopping, Marty went on the escalators with Emi. Marty is the cutest dad!

Today was also my mom's birthday! My mom is one of my best friends. She's a go-getter and so easy to talk to. She's there for the good times and for the hard times. I look up to her so much and and am grateful I get to call her "mom."


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