Young Women's Class

We needed a teacher for our YWs lesson last minute, so I spent yesterday evening figuring out how to teach Jacob 5. Thanks to my mom for helping provide the structure for my lesson. haha. I thought it went well but I got weepy as usual. I just hope the girls took something from the lesson--I think about and pray for them often and just want them to feel loved. Those teenage years can be really challenging!

In the afternoon we went to the park. 

We hurried back from the park and went over to dinner with some friends from our ward (Karin and Jeff H. Family and Andrea and Matt P. Family). We had the yummiest spaghetti and meatballs and salads. Marty and I also brought trifle and I think it was a hit! In addition to the food;), it was nice getting to know everyone there better. We have such a wonderful ward here!


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