
Marty left in the morning! So it's just us girls now.

Today was all about plants. Marty and I (more Marty than me) have been working on weeding our yard this week in preparation for having my mom here. I was hoping to tap into my mom's expertise while she's here! I am super excited about all we were able to get done today.

Because Marty and I don't know how long we're going to be here, I didn't want to spend too much on pots/etc. if we may be moving to a big city in just a year or 2! So we tried to make due mostly with what pots we had (even though they're not the cutest), but brighten everything up. 


Before. I should've taken a picture before this bed was weeded. It was bad!



During. Our little assistant. Emi loves being a helper!


After. My mom had the idea to add vines to this arbor to make it look better!


After. We put new soil in and I think it turned out so cute!

After. We were going to do stringing lights out here, but we got so confused about this certain box we have the redirects where the power comes from for the lights. Marty has a project waiting for him when he gets home ;)

Love my mom! So grateful for this mom/daughter time we get together.

In the evening, we had one of my YW over to help us make cookies for YWs on Sunday. She loved our cake decorating activity in December, and asked to borrow some of my piping tips just a few weeks ago so she could make some cookies for her coworkers. I figured this was something right up her alley, so we all spent the evening decorating cookies together!


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