Missionaries and Baking

I made it back to Denver just in time to take a quick shower and head to church.

They had the service missionaries in our area speak for sacrament meeting and I was so touched. They were the most kind, humble missionaries I have ever interacted with. Both missionaries have had battles with their mental health, which felt close to home to me. As someone who has faced similar challenges, I know how hard it can be. Yet they were so optimistic and humble. 

For YWs we invited the sister missionaries to come do a question/answer type-lesson with the girls. They were so cute and fun and all the girls seemed to really enjoy it! They also loved the cookies that my mom, Sophia, and I made the other day.

In the evening we went over to my friend Summer's house to learn how to make sourdough. It is a very technical process, but I'm excited to make a loaf!


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