Moe and Matt's Wedding

By 9:30 am I was in my rental car at the Boise Airport headed to Emmett, Idaho. I felt so grown up going on a trip all by myself. haha.

I went out for the day to go to my friend's (Moe's) wedding. Marty and I served with Moe's sister, Mika, in both the MTC and our missions. She was always someone I loved getting to catch up with when we saw each other during transfers, etc. but we were never comps. Fast forward post-mission and I ended up in the same class as Mika's sister, Moe, in Japanese 301. We became friends, and when we learned we were both going to BYU Jerusalem we requested to be roommates! We became really good friends and have stayed in touch ever since. So when Moe invited me to her sealing, I was really excited to get to go!

I arrived in Emmett at one of Moe's family's friends house. Sonja and Todd W. were so gracious to let me and another one of Moe's friends stay with them. Sonja totally reminds me of Clegg Shimai and is the sweetest! I took a little nap at their house, and then grabbed lunch and headed to Moe's house. It was fun to be thrown into all the wedding chaos! Moe comes from a family of 5 girls and they're all hilarious. They were all busying themselves taking care of last-minute wedding stuff.

Pretty soon it was time to head out to the actual wedding. Moe's father-in-law performed the sealing and it was beautiful. 

After the sealing, we headed back to the house and it was go time! I was put in charge of setting all the tables, and then helped with food prep. Moe's mom had a feast for us to assemble. It was so fun working together with everyone to get everything ready to go.

The reception itself was a sit-and-stay-type reception. There was a whole program with musical numbers and toasts (everyone in Moe's family is musical). It was so sweet hearing all the toasts and hearing about what a kind, caring guy Matt is. Moe and Matt are such a power couple!

After a little bit of cleanup, I headed back to Sonja's and Todd's house and went to bed ready to wake up for another early morning!

Meanwhile in Colorado...


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