Mom's here!

Emi and I have been frequenting library story time recently. She loves it and it's so cute! The theme for the library's summer reading program is "Flock to the Library." They put up signs with a bunch of cute signs/etc outside the library that fit in with the theme, and it makes Emi's day every time we go. Her favorite are the ones with "mingos" (flamingos) on them. She also loves waddling like a penguin every time she sees the penguin sign. 

After story time, Emi and I took a stop at the mall to do a return. With a little prompting from Marty, I have decided it's time to re-vamp my closet haha. After my return, I looked around the mall and found 1 store (I'm not kidding) with blouses that worked with garments. It was a little bit pricey, but had several cute tops (Evereve). I kept thinking of my poor YW who are trying to find cute clothes that are less revealing, and the options are so limited. In Utah there's so many options--Bohme, Roolee, Called to Surf, Piper and Scoot, etc. I think I may have to do a little bit of shopping next time I'm out there!

After the mall we met Maddie and Maricela from our old apartment complex at the park. Emi loved going down the slide over and over and was totally worn out when we got home.

The things you do for your child. I squeezed up this tunnel with Emi. haha. Poor girl's foot fell through the hole as she was climbing up because she's so little.

I put her down for a nap after giving her a little lunch and she could've slept the whole afternoon away, but I woke her up to go pick up my mom from the airport. She's being so nice to come out this weekend to hang out and also watch Emi while I go to a wedding on Saturday! (I got invited to one of my friend's weddings after Marty and already planned a guys trip that same weekend, so hence why I needed a bit of help. Thanks mom!)

We went straight from the airport to meet Marty at Torchy's. Because it's mandatory anytime anyone comes here. And we stopped at Crumbl on the way home from Torchy's. 


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