Social Bug

This morning we went to church in town. We sang baby songs the whole way there, and listened to them the whole way back. In between, at church, Emi enjoyed hanging out with Grammy and Papa and then near the end of Sacrament Meeting she decided that she wanted to hang out with another family that had more exciting things to offer. She sat on the mom's lap and just made herself right at home! haha. That is totally Emi's personality. She's such a social bug and I love it. She also made sure to loudly say "Aaano" (amen) after the Sacrament prayer. She keeps us laughing!

We headed back to camp after church, ate some food, and Emi, Marty, and I took naps. Pretty soon it was time to go to the airport! But not before a game of Skip Bo.

Marty and I napped on the top bunk together. It was so fun! I felt safe since Marty was on the outside.

Emi did great flying home in her carseat.

And then we were home. Emi and I played outside while Marty made dinner. 

We had such a fun weekend! I love our family:)


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