Marty's 27th Birthday

It was my best friend's birthday today! Happy 27th, Marty!

We woke up and did presents in the morning. Marty requested 21 Pilots' vinyls, an Apple Watch, and a fancy scale. I'm excited he finally has an Apple Watch ;)

While Marty was at work, we had friends over for backyard fun and lunch.

In the evening, we picked Marty up from work and headed to Sawa Sushi. It was delicious! (Although I will say I feel the strong love I developed for sushi on my mission has begun decreasing with each year I'm home from my mission...I still like it! Just not like I did right after my mission) The highlight of the meal was Emi purposely spilling water on our table, and then cleaning it up with a napkin and saying "I did it!" She also was cracking us up by saying "shimi shimi" for "sashimi."

We headed back from the restaurant and did cake! Marty requested a Snickerdoodle cake like last year.

Then we put Emi down for bed, and a friend came over while I went with Marty to his softball game. We were able to bring the leftover cake slices and the guys helped finish most of them off for us! Marty's team was playing pretty well until the end. They fell apart, and the other team ended up winning. I think I was more sad about the loss than Marty was! He says he enjoys just getting to play.

There are so many things I love about Marty. Marty's kind, knowledgeable, humble, understanding, and patient. He makes everyone feel important and valued. He's easygoing and has good perspective in life.

Something I've discovered about Marty this year is how good with kids he is. Not just Emi, but every kid. He's so fun and playful. I love that about him! 

Love you so much, Marty!


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