"Mommy Weekend"

After Chuze this morning we headed with our friends to the pool!

Then we came back for a nap. I learned that pool days are really fun, but once or twice a week would be just about right for me! There's just a lot of effort that goes into making a pool day happen with a child.

In the afternoon we did a grocery story run and tidied up the house a bit. 

After dinner I thought it'd be fun to go to Barnes and Noble to get our summer books--some for me and some for Emi. Emi was fussy on the way to the store, and when I went to take her out of her car seat she said "Mommy Weekend" which was really funny but also really sad. These past few weekends I've been gone, we've been telling her that she's having a "Daddy Weekend," and so I guess she just assumed that because Marty's out of town she's just with me for the next bit. Poor girl hasn't had both of her parents consistently here in about a month and is just trying to make sense of it all! 

We made it inside the store, and I realized that I forgot to tell the young men in our ward they needed to be at our youth temple night...tonight. So I was trying to sort out my mistake while Emi was taking down lots of books on shelves. We finally sorted out the temple issue, put books back on the shelves, and got Emi some cute books. I then told Emi it was time to get mommy some books and it was clear that was not going to happen. She was crying as we went to the register and was not a happy camper. And I wasn't either. We went to the car, and as I was putting her in her carseat her binky fell under our car, so we ended up pulling our car forward to get the binky and finally started making our way home. I told Emi how I was trying to make this a fun night for us and she was making it very difficult and I was really frustrated. She was silent on our drive home which made me feel sooo bad and I also realized my daughter isn't even 2 yet. haha. So I apologized and we made it home and made it to bed without too much trouble. After writing all of this down it doesn't seem like much happened, but in the moment it felt really frustrating. Learning how to parent is a work in progress. 

On a happy note: Emi let me do her hair today! The trick--letting her watch "Miss Rachel" as I did it.


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