Smooth Criminal IYKYK

Missy and I had a slow morning. Missy said Blaire was up every hour last night (I slept right through it!) so we were all fine sleeping in. 

We ended up grabbing breakfast at "Harvest." It was very PCesque--granola-y. The avocado toast and acai bowl were good, but I have yet to find an Acai bowl as good as the one I tried in NYC. (I am still dreaming of that acai bowl!)

After breakfast, we made our way to a hike in a random place in PC. haha. We had just started hiking along the narrow trail, when we saw a snake slithering just a few feet from us! And it was eating something. It was so gross and scary! 

After we passed the snake we weren't sure what to do. The trail was a 6 mile loop and we definitely weren't going to do the whole hike, so we decided it'd be best to go back where we'd come and run past the snake. I wigged out, and ended up running away from both the snake and our car instead of just passing the snake. Since that plan wasn't working, we called Missy's brother who breeds snakes (why he does that is beyond me.haha), to get some input from him. As Missy was talking to her brother, a group came walking towards us! We ended up just following right behind them and were able to pass the snake. Hallelujah!

This is us pre-snake sighting.

After the hike, we went to pick up Les and got a tour of her parent's new house. It's so cute!

Then we made our way back to PC, stopped at Smith's to get WAY too much junk food, and headed to dinner at the "Loco Lizard Cantina." We realized we should've eaten before going to the grocery store! haha.

After dinner we headed to main street and walked through some shops and grabbed ice cream. We were stuffed.

Then back to the hotel to grab our swimsuits and head to the hot tub. The pool area was so. crowded. We're 99% sure there was a family reunion happening. 

Then back up to our room to watch all our old dance co videos! It was so much fun and made me miss dance!! Both Missy and Lesley danced on college teams and Lesley majored in dance (they're way better than me haha), but dance co was such a fun thing for all of us! It was so nostalgic.

Of course we stayed up late again talking about all the things!


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