Youth Conference Day 1

 Emi and I enjoyed library story time this morning. 

I knew we had to check out this book when I saw it!

In the afternoon I headed out to Youth Conference. This is the 3rd week in a row I've left Emi and I felt like my heart was breaking on the drive over to the Stake Center. I shed a few tears even though I know she'll be just fine with Marty. 

At the Stake Center, I got told who'd be my companion group leader and who'd be in my group and then we had a brief welcome meeting. Afterwards, we got in cars and headed up to Bailey, CO. I pulled out every "get to know you" question I could think of on the drive, and tried to connect with some of the teens in my group. 

Once we arrived we set up camp, ate dinner, and did some get to know you games. In the evening, we did a human pinata game where each group would try and get candy taped on a male leader's shirt. I was concerned for the older bishops who were being taken down by HS football players! haha. 


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