Youth Conference Day 2

I don't think any of us slept very well last night but luckily there was a schedule laid out for the whole day which made it easier to stay awake and engaged. 

Each group had a specific rotation schedule that carried throughout the most of the day--obstacle course, escape room, service project, axe throwing and archery, learning about the importance of the temple, and learning about missionary work. It was the perfect mix of spiritual and fun. I got to know the youth in my group as well as my companion group leader better throughout the rotations. My companion group leader, James, is close to my Dad's age and pretty quiet. After talking with him I learned he has 8 children, and he and his wife did foster care for over 16 years. He is a saint!

In order to keep all the groups straight, the people who organized YC gave each group a name. Our group is the "mint" group which is special to me because I love all things mint. I know sometimes people feel like God shows them His love through certain signs in their lives like seeing a butterfly, or a rainbow, etc. For me, that's mint! I had a very spiritual experience on my mission where I knew God knew me through mint (I know it sounds wild but it's true) and so when I found out I was in the "mint" group I knew this was the group I was supposed to be in.

There's 7 girls and 7 boys in our group and they're all great. Coming here has given me hope in the future generation--especially when I think about Emi growing up. These youth are strong, resilient, and filled with faith.

Anyways, so after we did rotations throughout the day and ate dinner we had a fireside and then there was a dance at night. They had someone come teach dance etiquette to the youth before the dance started and he was amazing and so fun. Unfortunately it started to get windy and rainy around the time the dance started, so the youth squished the dance in the barn instead of dancing in the field...which I thought was a better vibe but it was sooo dusty!

After the dance we had a quick devotional with our group and headed to bed!


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