Rosen Pagosa Recap

We had the Rosen family reunion at Pagosa this year! 

The crew that came was Mom & Dad, Dave & Steph (Ings and Huck), Bubs, Grandma Furner, and Marty & I (Emi).

We got to Pagosa late Wednesday night, and then headed home on Sunday morning. Unfortunately there was a bit of sickness going around, but other than that everyone seemed to have a good time! (In hindsight I also was maybe too up tight because I just wanted everything to go smoothly and also take good care of Pagosa... but you live and learn!)

Here is our family reunion by pictures...

Waterfall Hike

4 Wheeling around Camp.

Ranger ride

Mom taking Grandma Furner for a ride on the 4 wheeler. We loved having grandma with us!

Cousin bath time.

Pinata time!

Steph's doing a pinata for her first time.

Marty was the one to get the candy out of the pinata. He had a killer swing.

Huck and Grandpa.

Hiking into the box.

Emi and Ings both did some climbing.

Rock climbing. Peep Marty at the top!

I didn't make it very far...but it was still exciting!

I think this picture of Ings is so cute!

Ice cream at the General Store. 

Notice the bandaid on Emi's head. We were putting her in the hiking back pack at the Box (on the ground), and weren't paying attention for a minute and the whole backpack tipped over and her head crashed into the ground. Poor girl! 

Lake Day! William's Reservoir was so beautiful. It felt "Pinterest worthy."

Grandma helping with Huck.

Emi and Aunt Bubs.

Marty taking Grandma Furner for a canoe ride.

Grandpa taking Ingi for a canoe ride.

Grandma Furner entertaining Emi. She was so sweet with all the kids the whole trip, never complained about anything (even when she sat in the back seat of the van for 8+ hours on our way to Pagosa, and was so kind and helpful). Grandma's the best!

Everyone loved Pagosa so much. Thank you Shaeffer's for letting me share this special place with my family!


  1. I am so happy your family had a good time at Pagosa and hope you have many more future trips there together! Ha ha! Laughing about being uptight because thats how I felt when my family visited Pagosa for the first time when Dan and I were first married!


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