Sisters Day

Marty, Nick, Chris, and Dan flew out to LA for the day to get some Korean BBQ and watch the Dodgers play today!

While they were gone, I was able to spend the day with my sisters. Angela watched Emi in the morning while I met up with Jackie and Bubs for pedicures. Afterwards, Jackie headed home to walk Darwin and I went with Bubs to go see her apartment. She's done a really good job decorating and making it homey. Then Bubs and I picked up Zupas (a must while in Utah) and headed to the Shaeffer's to swim. 

The most unflattering picture hahah

We played with Emi for just a bit, ate lunch, and then put her down for a nap. After putting her down, Jackie showed up to swim with me and Bubs. We had such a blast laughing, catching up, and swimming. We took turns jumping off the diving board over and over and Bubs and I learned that Jackie did MAC and actually knows how to dive really well. It was very impressive! 

After Jackie and Bubs left, I showered and then Emi and I headed to Mom and Dad's for dinner. After dinner, Emi and I went with my mom through the backyard and Emi enjoyed eating strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, apricots, cucumbers (she sort of enjoyed that one), and a bell pepper. Fresh produce just hits different!

After our shower I wrapped Emi in a hand towel. I just think it's so cute that a hand towel is the perfect sized towel for a human her size!

Pretty soon it was past Emi's bedtime, so she and I went back to the Shaeffer's. While we waited for the boys to come home, Angela and I watched "Call the Midwife." It was really cute and I have a new show to watch.


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