
In the morning we swam in Grammy and Papa's pool. Emi loved going off the diving board! I love that she's always willing to try new things.

I am re-remembering how fun the pool is. Why have I been lame for the past few years and just gravitated to the hot tub? It's so much fun swimming in the pool and jumping off the diving board!

After nap time, Emi and I picked up my mom to go shopping for Pagosa. I always loved going grocery shopping at Harmon's with my mom growing up, so this reminded me of the good old days. 

Emi and I went back to the Shaeffer's in the evening, and hung outside after dinner. Marty, Emi, Dan, Angela, and I played "duck duck goose" on the tramp and Emi sent a little plastic red boat down Grammy and Papa's river over and over again. Before we went inside to put Emi down for the night, Angela taught me the beginnings of learning a backflip on the tramp. Now I just need to practice a bunch!

Summer don't end!


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