Tiny Town and GMAT

Marty again!

Today was a strange day, the day before I had signed up to take the GMAT at 6:30 PM on Saturday, so we had that hanging over us all day. It’s hard to describe what we were both feeling because so much of our future was riding on this test. It felt out of Lizzie’s hands since she wasn’t the one taking the test, and it felt out of my hands in a way since I had no idea what kind of questions were gonna be on the test. We were supposed to have a stake softball that day to keep our minds off of it, but they delayed it by one week due to rain. So we woke up and started our Saturday with nothing to stop us from thinking about what was gonna happen at 6:30.

We went for a walk which was really nice, the weather finally started cooling off and it was so nice to be outside in sub 80 degree weather. We decided to go to tiny town too and so we got all ready and drove up and got there around 10:30. This was my first at tiny town and I was super impressed. Emi was just having such a good time exploring everything and while she wasn’t as excited about the train as she was in times past, she still was loving every minute. Near the end, lizzie bought her an ice cream cone and she was very nice to share it with Lizzie and I. She had an abrupt ending to her joy however when she dropped the last little bit of her ice cream on the ground! It was kinda sad but she took it pretty well haha.

After tiny town, we all came home and had a wonderful nap! Too wonderful I think, neither of us slept very well the next night, but it was worth it to be fully rested for the test. Lizzie let me have about an hour to go over some last minute review, and around 4:00, we started on dinner. I grilled up some ribeyes and corn and it was delicious! I’m still not sure how I feel about Lizzie eating her steaks with A1 sauce, but I’m by no means an expert grillmaster yet so I’ll just have to let it slide.

At 6:30, I went and took my test while Lizzie (bless her heart) cleaned the whole house!! I was shocked when I came back upstairs!

As for the test, our prayers seemed to pay off as I got a test where I felt like I knew almost all of the material that was on it and was able to get a 735 (which is the 99th percentile!) It was a huge weight off of my shoulders since I wouldn’t have to take the GMAT or study for it anymore and that we would feel like we were putting our best foot forward when applying to all of the schools this year. If I had gotten a 695 or a 705, I probably would have been a bit regretful if I didn’t get invited to interview at any of the schools, but with a 735 I feel confident that I’m giving it a really good shot.

It’s crazy to think that we have a pretty high chance of leaving Colorado next year, but we’re both really excited to see where our life is gonna take us!


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