Productive Morning

~A quote from this morning at the Shaeffer house:

*Emi wants Marty to sing her a song*

Marty: How about you try singing it, Emi?

Emi: You sing it, Marty.~

Emi woke up early this morning, so we made a loaf of banana bread together. She loves being my little helper in the kitchen.

This morning we were also able to get a run in and go to dance class. By the time dance was done, I thought it was lunch time (not 10:30 am haha). Oh the things you can accomplish when your child wakes up early! Although I will say Emi and I both took full advantage of sleeping when it came to nap time. 

Emi wore her fairy dress today! Today was princess themed day at the studio, and Adelaide's hand-me-down seemed like it could pass as a princessy type dress.

This afternoon we had a birthday party for Myla W. across the street. There were lots of little ones from the neighborhood and it was fun. All the parents came too, so it was fun to socialize and get to know our neighborhood a little bit better.

After Myla's birthday party we went to Cafe Rio for dinner, and then I headed to the temple and Marty took Emi home. I did initiatory and it was really nice and went fast. I was able to come home and put Emi to bed, and then Marty and I have spent the evening doing our own things (he gaming and me blogging).


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