A Wild Day

Today was a wild day.

Wild thing #1: Marty, Emi, and I were upstairs by the office this morning when I noticed elk right out the window. I hurried and told Marty to come look. There were 5-6 of them just hanging out. It was sooo cool! And then we remembered the elk poop from yesterday, and went downstairs to look in the backyard. Close to ONE HUNDRED elk were hanging out in the backyard and the area just beyond that. We couldn't believe our eyes! It was insane.

Wild thing #2: We got a call yesterday from our fertility clinic saying they could get us in for an earlier intake session... today! We scheduled an appointment for November with this clinic a bit ago, but we were on a waitlist to get an earlier session just in case something opened up. So that phone call was a happy surprise! Marty and I hopped on a telehealth call with our doctor this morning and it went really well. Our doctor is great, and I'm feeling optimistic about things. Marty and I will be going in for testing in a few weeks, and our doctor laid out what our next steps will likely look like. I think we're on the right track.

Wild thing #3: Marty had a work call he had to hop onto and found out his new team at work! His company is doing a reorg right now, and they've slowly been releasing more details about it.

Wild thing #4: Marty got an interview with Chicago!!! Woo hoo! We're so excited.

*Note that wild things 1-4 all happened before 10 am*

Wild thing #5: Even though it was pouring rain, we decided we'd go outside and do the waterfall hike. It was sooo muddy and cold but so much fun! Emi and Grace loved getting to do the hike all by themselves. We put them in the backpacks on the way back, but they both walked most of the way there.We were also the only ones there! And the drive there had so many pretty fall leaves.

Okay not much of the rest of the day was that wild (I guess the BYU's game ending was pretty wild!), but we had fun just talking and letting the girls be toddlers and do (mostly) whatever they wanted. It's been rainy and overcast most of the day. We were hoping to do a fire pit tonight, but it was still raining...so we broiled marshmallows instead! Kyle also made tri tip which was very delicious. After the girls went to bed we hung out and played Yahtzee. Then off to bed.

The vent in Grammy and Papa's room was blowing hot air and it made Emi's hair go wild! 


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