Family and Friends

Marty, Emi, & I, Moe & Matt, and Courtney & Michael went out to breakfast this morning. I think all of us could agree it was a one and done restaurant! But it was still fun to hang out and socialize.

Afterwards, we walked around Central Park. We got to see the NYC Marathon finish line arch being constructed which was neat. 

I'm going to run the NYC Marathon one day.

We rushed home to put on church clothes (except Courtney and Michael who had already headed to church), and made our way to church (minus Marty who was feeling exhausted and sick). Because the NYC temple is currently under construction, which is the same building where Courtney and Michael's ward meets, their ward meets in a cathedral. It was cool and different!

After church, we said our goodbyes to Moe and Matt. It's been so fun catching up and getting to know Matt better! They're such a power couple. 

The rest of the afternoon was very chill. We just rested and relaxed. In the evening Courtney came over to the apartment, and later Michael, to hang out and eat dinner. 

Emi loved helping make dinner.

We had a slow, relaxing evening and then somehow Marty and I ended up staying awake until Dan and Chris got in close to midnight! They came in for the World Series Game which we'll be going to tomorrow! Go Dodgers!


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