Hodge Podge

Emi and I went to one of my YW's cross country meets this morning. I had expected her to be in the top 10, but was shocked when she took 1st place! I think she was too! It was super exciting and fun to watch. 

I thought the HS parking lot at the HS where the XC Meet took place was so cute! It looks like they let the students personalize their parking spaces. Such a fun idea!

After the race, Emi and I met up with Summer, Ronny, and Jules P. at the pool. Emi and I just walked to Southridge from our house (such a luxury!) and she had the best time. After being in the pool awhile, Emi decided it was time for the "hot tub." Southridge has a big hot tub that's the temperature of a warm bath...which is nice because it's kid friendly. Anyway, Emi decided to jump in the pool after the hot tub, and was freezzzing so she went back over to the hot tub. After sitting in the hot tub for a few minutes, she decided she wanted to jump in the pool again, so I went into the freezing pool to catch her and then she chickened out. haha. This happened a few times and I finally decided I'd just sit in the hot tub because I knew she wouldn't jump back in. I was right! haha.

Before Marty got home, Emi and I ran to Great Harvest to grab some cinnamon burst bread for french toast in Pagosa and raked the leaves!.

Can you spot what Emi hid in the leaves?

Once Marty was home we finished up with the leaves, ate dinner, and packed for Pagosa. We're meeting up with Missy and Kyle and their girls tomorrow!

After we packed, Marty headed out to watch the Dodgers game with his work softball team before their late night game (and took our Hulu access with him haha). Even though I haven't been able to watch the game, it looks like the Dodgers are creaming the Mets. Woohoo! 


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