
On the road again! 

On our Uber ride to the hotel, Emi threw up all over her car seat. Once we got to the hotel she threw up 3 more times. Poor girl! Dan went to get us Infant Tylenol minutes before midnight (when the store closed) and my dad helped with medical advice (Tylenol is easy on the stomach). S/O to our Dads for saving the day!

The morning after we arrived in Chicago, Marty and I headed to campus for a class visit, tour, and lunch and Dan took Emi for us. I felt sooo bad to be leaving our sick child with him, but he was so nice about it. She didn't throw up that day which was a huge relief.

In Emi language: the "big bean."

Papa took Emi to the aquarium. Dan said Emi was saying "Wake up!!!" to the animals.

Marty and I went to a 3 hour investments class. It was a lot longer than I was expecting but also interesting. Marty was the star student, and even commented a couple times ;) It was fun seeing him in his element!!

I loved getting to be there. I felt like the mom of the group. hahah. Almost everyone but me was interviewing, etc and so they were stressed but I just got to hang out and chat with them! One of the guys we got to know better had his interview after lunch, and he and I made eye contact before he went to his interview and I sent him all the good mom vibes. lol.

Emi learned the excitement of revolving doors (Grammy got in town Thursday afternoon)!

On Friday while Marty was interviewing, Angela and I went and checked out preschools in Lincoln Park. I am excited about the prospects. It's hard not knowing what Business School or city we'll end up in. I keep thinking, "Is it worth it to invest all this time figuring things out even if we could end up somewhere different?" But then I have to re-remind myself that gathering information helps us make a better decision. So yes, it's worth it!

Emi loves Grammy so much!

We went and checked out Chicago's campus. Wow. It's beautiful.

Our little fam.

Look at all the ivy! This is how I imagine Harvard and Yale look.

We met up with Michelle and Brent for dinner and ice cream! We went to the Gharadelli's...second time this trip! We met up with 2 members of the church for ice cream yesterday--the husband is attending Booth and the wife is working.

I LOVE this picture:)

This is our hotel! It's nice. Although different people on the trip have different opinions.haha. But the ledges freak me out! Exposure therapy right? I think that every time I'm in an uncomfortable situation!

Emi was very excited about her rubber ducky from Grammy and Papa.

We came home to 18 inches of snow!!


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