Birthday Girl

Mom's birthday! When she told me her age (59) I almost couldn't believe it. Time goes way fast! She seems younger than that to me.

In the morning she opened presents. We got her a bunch of books (as per her request) and a gardening pot with the grandkids names on it (I have been looking forward to getting that for her for months). She also got calls from my siblings and dad throughout the day which also made it feel celebratory. In the evening we had a big party at grandmas too. And she got to see all our neighbors at church, and even though many of them didn't know it was her birthday, I know she enjoyed seeing them. 

My mom is one of my best friends. I love talking with my mom and I admire her qualities so much. She is a renaissance woman (IYKYK). My mom is such a great listener. I love to talk (too much sometimes haha) and she is always willing to listen. She is a hard worker. She is an amazing cook and baker. I have called her numerous times to ask her cooking/baking related questions. She is intelligent and driven. I mean, who finishes their PhD in their 50s? That is incredible! She is a loving mom and grandma. She will do anything for us kids and the grandkids. She loves gardening, and more than just loving it she's put in the work to get really good at it. She is honest and has integrity. I love her so much and am grateful God gave me her as my mom!


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