General Conference and Cheesecake

My Gym in the morning! There were only a few kids today because I think it's spring break in Douglas Co. Still lots of fun. In fact, it was actually nice that it wasn't so crowded today!

Then it was General Conference! Conference is definitely different with a child who can move. haha. Last conference Emi was just 2 weeks old. This conference she was all over the place. The talks were all really good...but now that I'm writing about it they're all starting to mesh together. Some standouts for me were Elder Stevensons talking about making Easter special (thanks mom and dad for sending us ideas for holy week!) and Carl B. Cook talking about his first experience as a general authority (Elder Packer had him give 6 talks in the course of one day at Stake Conference Sessions). I was excited to find out that Emily Belle Freeman is the new Young Womens General President. I've heard some of her stuff from "Don't Miss This" and so I feel like I "know" her. She seems so genuine and kind-hearted.

Between morning and afternoon session I got to talk with Les. Baby Kit is just one week old and she's so cute! I enjoyed getting to hear Lesley's birth story and how she's doing. I'm so grateful for my close friends who I've stayed close friends with since high school! I love that we've been there for so many of each others life experiences. 

For the afternoon session Marty and I went to the park and listened to conference. He walked with Emi while I ran. I got in 3 miles! Yay! During the bulk of my run Elder Uchtdorf spoke. He talked about parents--which felt very applicable to me. I want to go re-read that one. 

I'm just remembering now that yesterday I finished all of the talks from last conference! It's been a goal of mine the past few years to finish the previous session's conference talks before the upcoming conference and I've never finished up until another yay! My favorite talk was probably Elder Morrison's talk. His faith and dedication to the gospel inspire me. 

Between afternoon and evening session we went to Cheesecake Factory. That's a conference tradition that I had with my mom and sisters. We'd always go there before Women's Session, but now that the evening session is for everyone now I'm hoping we make this a family tradition. It was a lot of fun and we found a Cheesecake Factory at a dead mall which means it wasn't that busy! Since when does that ever happen? Marty called it our "hidden gem."

We were exhausted after a day full of so many things and went to bed early.

I forgot an important detail of today. Bubs and I signed up for the St. George Marathon! I'm super excited about it but also so nervous.haha. Let the training commence! 


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