New Sound and Texas Roadhouse

My Gym this morning! Emi was being so cute during the warm up she had everyone smiling. Emi is blessed with the cutest, widest smile and it just brightens everyone's day around her. She enjoyed the swings as usual and loved scooting around.

In the afternoon Emi and I went on a walk with Katye and Easton. Easton is having some teeth come in which is crazy! The weather was so nice and Katye and I always have lots to talk about.

On our way home from our walk we picked up Marty and headed to Texas Roadhouse. As we were picking Marty up Emi started making the "buh" sound. I was so proud of her. Up to this point in her life she has blown raspberries and gurgled so this was something new!

Tonight we were celebrating Deanna, who passed her boards and is now able to practice as a Nurse Practitioner. Deanna, Kate, and I do family history with Brother Lathen once a month and Brother Lathen arranged this dinner. Kate and Brother Lathen brought their spouses so there was 8 of us total (including Emi). The meal was great and we were in good company. I naturally stuffed myself full of rolls. Close to when we were finishing up, Marty's coworker and his wife sat down at the table across from us. haha. What a small world! 


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