Repairs and Outside

The weather has been beautiful here! We're trying to soak it all in. Today we spent most of the day outside. Some repairmen were supposed to come between 11-1 today to fix some foundation issues in the basement so we hung out near the house so we could be there when they came. Unfortunately they didn't show up until 4 so it limited where we could go. However, we had lots of fun blowing bubbles in the back yard and going to the park nearby. 

Emi took one of her naps upstairs in Isaac's old crib (because we thought the repair people would be coming during her nap), and she fell asleep instantly. Poor girl is so used to her Pack n Play thin "mattress."haha Sleeping on an actual mattress must've been heavenly! 

I just have to say as a side note that Isaac is such a cutie. The whole trip he's been repeating everything his mom says, but adding Lizzie to the front of it. For example, "Lizzie, we need to take a nap." "Lizzie, it's time to go inside." "Lizzie, we can eat carrots and cucumbers." It's adorable! 

The repair people finally came and it sounded from upstairs that they were doing quite the work down there. When they finished I went to take a peek and it looked really great. They put straps on the inside part walls to help their walls from moving in on themselves. The only bummer is that dust got over everything. Because they did work in the room Emi and I are in we'll be sleeping in the main part of the basement tonight.

After the babies and Isaac were in bed, Peter, Alex, and I chatted and played some more Exploding Kittens. Then off to bed!


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