Utah Thanksgiving
We got to spend a whole week in Utah for Thanksgiving! I was initially worried that it might feel like a long trip since Marty and I are so used to weekend excursions, but the time flew by! We had a blast. Isaac reading to Emi. Isn't this so sweet? On Monday, November 25, we spent the day with the Shaeffers. Emi loved the Museum of Curiosity! Carousel! Carousel's are fun for adults too! Big cousin squeeze! Aunt Bubs teaching Emi and Isaac how to play the harp. Cousin Pic! My mom called before Thanksgiving to ask if she should get the cousins matching jammies...of course! The answer is always yes ;) Pictured: Elizabeth, Rachel, Isaac, Ingi, Emi, and Huck (in case I can't remember in 20 years lol). Turkey Trot with the family!! I hope this becomes a tradition. It was so much fun! Marty beat me by 15 seconds grrr! Mom stayed home with all the munchkins (except Elizabeth). My mom accidentally pocket dialed me on our way home from the race and it sounded like complete mayhem. ha...