Pumpkin Bread

It's one of my favorite times of the year...pumpkin bread season!

Some things that happened today:

-Emi woke up early this morning, and Marty took her so I could sleep in. It was so nice!

-We dropped off dinner to my friend Annie N.'s house and got to meet Baby Eli. He's so precious. Summer P. and I threw Annie a baby shower over a month before Eli was supposed to be born, and it ended up working out well, because he was born just 3 days after the shower. Eli and Emi are birthday buddies!

-I went to another one of my YWs Choir Concerts tonight for our Wednesday YW activity. I was praying all day that at least one of our girls would come to support the girl in the choir, and it was not looking promising. But one of our girls pulled through and came to support the girl in the choir (who almost never comes to activities). It meant so much to me that that girl came! Afterwards I went with some of the leaders to drop off a birthday gift to another of our YW.

-It was a good day for the Dodgers! 


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